Mandatory Vaccination Requirements and Human Rights


This presentation provides an overview of how organizations respect human rights when developing and implementing mandatory vaccination policies or proof-of-vaccine requirements. Karen Sharma, A/Executive Director of the Manitoba Human Rights Commission, describes how The Human Rights Code applies to mandatory COVID-19 vaccination polices and how organizations respect human rights while balancing the safety needs of their organizations.


1. Webinar recording
2. Presentation slide deck
3. Manitoba Human Rights Commission Guidelines on Human Rights and Covid-19 Vaccination Requirements

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)


YAACS Youth Services Institute (YSI) 2021


On April 20th 2021, YAACS hosted our first Virtual Youth Services insitute.

Keynote Speakers: 
Slides and other resources related to the Keynote can be found in the Materials section.
J. Elizabeth Mills, co-author of Create, Innovate, and Serve: A Radical Approach to Children’s and Youth Programming and Supercharged Storytimes: An Early Literacy Planning and Assessment Guide.
Dr. Michelle H. Martin,  Beverly Cleary Endowed Professor for Children and Youth Services in the Information School at the University of Washington

Ask Me Anything (AMA) Human Library Volunteers:
You can find some notes for the AMA sessions in the Materials section.
Christopher Knapp - PGPL - I am an avid gamer who has advocated greatly for the importance of video gaming in the library.
Tess Prendergast - UBC - I have a lot of experience creating inclusive storytimes.
Stephanie  - SRC - I am interested in Among Us programs for teens.
Nariel Davis - VIRL - I do story walks in partnership with local businesses.
Kaley Young - NVDPL - I do a Nature Challenge program.
Vicki Donoghue - BPL - I have been working with community partners during COVID
Julia McKnight - VPL - I am supporting staff mixing virtual and in-person teen summer programs.
Kate Wood - GVPL - I am a Library Assistant in my system.  I am also a qualified Librarian.
Sarah Bagshawe - VPL -  I am a Reader's Advisory unicorn.

Here is the schedule for the day:
9:00 – 9:30 a.m.              Welcome and Icebreaker
9:30 – 11:00 a.m.            Knowledge, Artistry, and Reflection: Designing Thoughtful Programming for Children presented by J. Elizabeth Mills and Dr. Michelle H. Martin
11:00-11:15 a.m.             BREAK
11:15-11:50 a.m.             Breakout Rooms (human library meets AMA – ask me anything)
11:55-12:30 p.m.            Breakout Rooms (AEA – ask everybody everything!)             
12:30-1:00 p.m.              Reflection activity

Conference Year

Source Library
Presentation Audience

Calmar Public Library


From the document: 

The Calmar Public Library will only open for Public access after approval from the Minister of Municipal Affairs – Public Library Services Branch, and in agreement with The Town of Calmar Library Board and Library Manager.
Manager assessment of the following key factors will determine degree of Phase and level of services:

  • -  Current public health situation
  • -  Staff comfort with increasing services
  • -  Staff availability
  • -  Operational capacity

The Calmar Public Library will follow all restrictions and guidelines as recommended by Alberta Health officials.
Tentative date for re-opening is Tuesday, July 6th.


Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Hinton Municipal Library Relaunch Strategy


From the document: 
The Library will resume services under the guidance of directives provided by the Government of Alberta and Alberta Health.
In order to be able to meet the mission of the library and provide services to the community, the Library will follow the Mandatory Safety Standards for Workplaces as established by the Chief Medical Officer of Health such as:

  • Implement practices to minimize the risk of transmission of infection among attendees.
  • Provide procedures for rapid response if an attendee develops symptoms of illness.
  • Comply, to the extent possible with the Workplace Guidance for Business Owners.

Training Guide File

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Stony Plain Public Library Re-Opening Plan


From the document: 

This plan takes into consideration these key principles:

  1. Ensuring staff and public safety is the first priority
  2. Mitigating potential viral transmissions is the best method of ensuring that safety, as such
    the following information has to be considered:
    o COVID-19istransmittedprimarilythroughcontactwithinfecteddroplets o Asymptomaticindividualscanbeavectorforviraltransmission
    o Thereisemergingevidenceforlimitedaerosoltransmission


Resource Type (defunct)


Millet Library Post Pandemic Service Policies


From the document: 
The intent of this document is to create a roadmap for the closure and reopening of the Millet Public Library during a pandemic, to ensure the health and safety of staff and patrons based on the recommendations of the Alberta Government and Alberta Health Services.

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Yellowhead Regional Library - Library Reopening Guide


A guide for Yellowhead Regional Library's Members for reopening after lockdown restrictions are lifted. 
Topics include:

  • Key Messages
  • Before You Reopen
  • Reopening Scenarios:
    • Staff on Site Closed to the Public
    • Staff return to work. libraery still closed
    • Library open to stafd, limited service available to the public
    • Additional Restrictions Lifted
    • Full Public Service Restored
Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)
