211 Ways to Provide Reliable Community Information


Philip Wolfart


Public library workers play an important role in sharing reliable community information, and 211 MB can help.

Learn how 211 MB can help libraries guide patrons to government, health, and social services and how libraries can support local Information and Referral in Manitoba.

Please send questions about 211 MB to Philip Wolfart at pwolfart@unitedwaywinnipeg.ca

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LibraryAware Basics: Newsletters


Marigold Library System


Learn how to use LibraryAware to create Newsletters to inform and entertain your followers. See how LibraryAware's ready-to-go opt-in pages and subscriber management make cultivating followers a snap!

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Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Making Videos for Education and Instruction


Marigold Library System


This presentation will provide an introduction to the process of making videos. Examining the three stages of video creation (pre-production, production/recording, and post-production) the aim will be to provide an understanding of what is required to make videos with a focus on educational/instructional contexts. Specific emphasis is placed on how design decisions about various facets (e.g. audience, technology, purpose) affect other elements and possibly enable or constrain future choices. Join presenters Julia and Michael as they share insights from their collaboration on multiple video-based instruction projects over the past several years.

Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Public Library Personnel Orientation (Webinar)


Suzanne Chiupka


Webinar hosted by Manitoba Public Library Services. This session is intended for new public library administrators. It will also be helpful for any library staff and board members who want to familiarize themselves with public library operations.

Supplementary document includes a list of weblinks referenced in the webinar.

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Resource Type (defunct)


Book Delivery Services


Meagan Richards


This webinar will look at the benefits of offering a book delivery service in your community, how to go about implementing one, and what steps should be considered. A book delivery service is a valuable program to offer your community, during the current pandemic and beyond.
Passcode: #dZ?jha8


A 20-minute webinar on benefits and implementation of a library book delivery service. 

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Resource Type (defunct)


Writing an Effective Annual Report


Meagan Richards


Your annual report is often the only time that outside parties will have access to information such as finances, statistics, what accomplishments and challenges were faced during the year, future plans, and other information and reports. It is important to communicate this information effectively and appropriately. This short webinar will walk you through some tips on how to write an effective report, making the process a little easier, and why it is important to have a good annual report. 


A short webinar on writing an effective annual report, including links to additional resources. 
Passcode: +Yp$ncQ6

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Resource Type (defunct)


Running an Effective Meeting


Meagan Richards


Not everyone likes meetings, and it can be very difficult to run a meeting where you feel you accomplished something if everyone is seemingly on a different page. This webinar has some tips on running an effective meeting.
Passcode: ?=UPy7ty


A short webinar with tips on running an effective board meeting.

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Resource Type (defunct)


Finding YOUR Voice on Social Media


Marigold Library System


How do they do it? Those libraries that always have something to say on social media – how do they find their online voice, and how can you find yours?
Small libraries without a large programming and event schedule can find it hard to develop content for their social media presence. Finding Your Voice gives enough suggestions that you can post every day of the year!
Presented by Catharine Richardson. Catharine is a board member for the Redcliff Public Library. She has developed the library’s social media program and is on the Advocacy Committee. In her day job, she runs her own company, WebGenii Consulting, which provides computer application support and computer training.

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Recipe for Return on Investment


Rhonda O'Neill


In recent years a number of large library systems have completed economic impact studies. If your resources are more limited, how do you calculate and communicate the library’s value in a way that rings true to your stakeholders? What can you learn from your calculations? This session will explore the process of calculating a market value return on investment at your library and communicating it to your target audience.
Presented by Rhonda O'Neill, Stettler Public Library 



Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library