A Flux Capacitor is not a Planning Tool: How to Plan for Technology


Janet Ayles


Although it is entirely possible for things to get better with age, this does not apply to the computers and other technology in your library. Library budgets are often very tight and we all try to squeeze “just one more year” out of our tech, hoping that we can make those limited dollars go as far as possible. However, this does nothing for the patrons using those aging computer or library staff who have to troubleshoot them as they fail. Creating a technology plan builds a schedule where you can plan the replacement of computers and other technology in your library before they fail and cause problems and panic. Having a replacement schedule will also give you a roadmap of how to spend your budget dollars. This session will give you a guideline and tips on how to create a technology plan of your own.
Presented by Janet Ayles, Peace Library System 

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Source Library

Braille basics for CELA member libraries


An overview of braille and how libraries can access braille titles from CELA for their patrons who are blind or low vision.  This webinar was delivered by CELA Member Services with Braille Literacy Canada in October 2017.


This webinar introduces libraries to what is braille, the braille collections offered by CELA, the importance of having braille reading skills, technology and braille, and supporting braille readers, learners and educators in public libraries.

Training Guide File

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Resource Type (defunct)

Power Point
Source Library

Libraries and Podcasts: The Winnipeg Public Library Experience


A library podcast? What’s that?! Libraries are always striving to reach their audiences wherever their audiences may be. Podcasts can be a part of a library’s social media strategy in reaching a wider audience. Podcasts can be downloaded or streamed at any time, making them great companions for daily commutes, housework and exercise. At WPL we decided to start a monthly “book club” podcast called 'Time to Read', in which four hosts discuss a book each month, and answer questions from our library community. At the Manitoba Libraries Conference, recorded our first “Live” podcast in front of the MLC audience. We discuss the history of our podcast, including some of the challenges we faced starting a podcast. We also leave time for questions from the audience.


Erica Ball, Alan Chorney, Trevor Lockheart, Dennis Penner, Kirsten Wurmann

Author E-Mail


Conference Year

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Your Social Media Plan: Making the Most of Your Library's Online Social Spaces


Marigold Library System


Most of us are familiar with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. Some of us already use these tools for our libraries. But are we using them effectively? Let me show you how to create a social media plan and set goals so you can get the most out of social media and effectively market your library, programs, and services. You will learn why a social media presence is essential for your library’s advocacy and marketing, tips on creating the best posts for each platform, and how to create your own customized social media plan. Presented by Caleigh Haworth Training & Communications Coordinator, Marigold Library System

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Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Seniors Need Hook-Up Apps Too: Tech Without Age


Marigold Library System


This presentation outlines for Library Staff what digital literacy is and how increasing seniors' digital literacy skills can have a positive social impact in your community and in your library. Debunk the myth that seniors are unwilling and unable to learn about technology and explore a variety of ways to incorporate technology and digital literacy into library programming. Learning Objectives: -Understand more about digital literacy and why it is an important skill for seniors -Consider how your library can engage seniors in digital literacy through programming and library technology Presented by Carley Angelstad, Technology Programmer at the Camrose Public Library.

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library