Physical Literacy: Movement-Based Library Programs


The topic of fitness and wellness programs in libraries is a growing and relevant trend. This session will include a presentation, videos, handouts and some (optional) yoga stretches and breathing techniques to get the audience into a body-positive state of mind. It will explore the neuroscience behind physical literacy, share case studies of what other libraries are doing (both academic and public), and offer program models and best practices.
Learning Objectives:

  • Describe physical literacy and list ways it can be improved at any age
  • Gain program models for delivering movement-based programs
  • Identify ways physical literacy benefits staff


Jenn Carson

Conference Year

Source Library

Programming with Raspberry Pi Microcomputers Program Outline


Vancouver Public Library Children's and Teen Services


During this 90 minute program, participants put computer parts together using Kano Computer Kits. Kids then experiment with programming through pre-installed games.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library