Storyboard Game


T. Friday


Build your own story!
This Storyboard game was produced as part of the programming for a summer Writing Camp.
It is designed to introduce children to the components of storywriting in a boardgame format.
Included in this Zip file are instructions for the game and templates for genre, object, main character, conflict character and setting cards.
Audience: Young children or Tweens

Training Guide File

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

SRC Digital Tool Programming for Families: Tumblebooks and Storybird on Tablets


Tekeyla Friday


For the Summer Reading 2014 season, Chinook  Regional Library purchased tablets in order to develop a practice of incorporating digital tools into library programming.

This initiative used an IPad Mini and 2 Samsung Galaxy Tabs and required 40 hours of staff development and programming time to create resource materials, advertisement materials and develop hour long family literacy sessions to be prototyped during the summer, for expanded use in regular programming.
With the use of tablets, families can learn about the multitude of digital tools which enhance family literacy at the library.
Tumble Books, Storybird and e-books were the target resources as they are provided by all the Saskatchewan Public Library System.
Chinook Regional Library is also experimenting with two innovative programs: digital storytelling and animating short films using Movie Maker during a Teen Writing Camp program.
Outcome: Families and youth have opportunities to expand their knowledge of electronic resources at the library as well as being exposed to new forms of technology.

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

SRC Community Program - Tots to Teens to Seniors


Isabel Hankins-Wilk Tisdale Community Library


ThIs summer reading program kit provided by library staff and a summer intern  from Tisdale Community Library in Saskatchewan is for the whole community.
The Shake, Rattle and Read program models early literacy for the preschoolers. The Ready Set Read, Tween Book Club and Teen Challenge programs help children to maintain and improve their reading levels during the summer months, building vocabulary and reading comprehension. The Children in Ready, Set Read spend one on one time with a volunteer. The Crafts and other activities extend the reading experience; stimulate the children’s imagination, and the children become more excited about reading.
The TD Reading Club, Shake, Rattle and Read, and Ready, Set, Read programs keep track of the books they read in the log books provided by the TD program. On the library’s WALL OF FAME each child has a paper with their name that they place a sticker on for every book that they read or is read to them. The adults keep track of their reading on their bingo cards. We send out Bingo cards with the books that our volunteers deliver to our Books on Wheel Patrons so those that are unable to come to the library can still take part in our summer program.
This program incorporates digital tools: Storybird and Tumblebooks.

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Summer Art Camp for Kids - Object Stories


Amber Phelps-Bonderoff & Wendy Peart (Dunlop Art Gallery)


Explore story creation utilizing visual and narrative means. Children will be involved in multiple art and storytelling activities centered on a favourite object brought from home.

  • Explore an object by memory, drawing, painting, sculpture and photography.
  • Share results of exploration with peers through discussion.
  • Tell a personal story of the object and its personal meaning.
  • Create a new story/s about the object. Express it visually and narratively (oral and written).

The premise is based on a model provided by the Portland Art Museum.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library