NNELS Kids' Book Recording Plan




Bilingual document // Document bilingue
A simple organising tool for libraries or volunteers recording a children's picture book for NNELS.
See also:

If you're recording a book other than a children's picture book, please use the main book recording plan so that your tracks are separated properly.
Corrections, comments, or questions? Please write to support@nnels.ca. Thank you!
Revised November 3, 2018.

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

All Technology is Assistive (but Not Always Accessible)


This session will cover how everyday technology is used by underprivileged groups, and what accessibility barriers are faced. You will learn how marginalized people use technology daily, how every day occurrences can impede usage, and useful tips on how to improve access to technology and programs for those most in need. Special attention will be paid to disability rights, with a focus on how libraries can make Assistive more Accessible. 



John Buckmaster

Conference Year


Presentation File

Presentation Topic

Checkout the Internet: Hotspots as a Service


Public libraries are built on the idea of providing society-at-large with communal access to information. As information containers have expanded and evolved beyond the codex, libraries experiment with access strategies, loaning non-traditional items, and expanding their definition of “access.” EPL undertook one such experiment in 2016: loaning the internet! EPL acquired 40 hotspots with unlimited data connections and developed a 2-year pilot aimed at loaning devices to customers without home internet or who are socio-economically disadvantaged. This presentation will outline similar hotspot loaning projects that inspired EPL’s approach, the ins and outs of how the service operated in its first phase, the successes and setbacks of the initial pilot, and the adjustments made for the second pilot phase. 



Vicky Varga

Conference Year

Source Library
Presentation Topic

Bridging the Digital Divide with Data and Tools


Innovation thrives on a digitally literate population with access to powerful computing tools. Data consumption is becoming more pervasive as everything becomes digitized and all levels of government are making a push for open data. However, access to tools is not evenly distributed, and the digital divide is growing deeper between those that have the means to use the tools and data and those that done. In our presentation, we will discuss how free and open tools are being used in Alberta and around the world to participate in the digital economy and increase digital literacy. We will highlight Jupyter, an open source analytics tool combining live code, visualizations, and text in an entirely web-accessible format.


David Chan, Cybera

Conference Year

Source Library
Presentation Topic

NNELS 101 for Library Staff (Libraries with User Managers)




This document is an overview library staff with a User Manager, to supplement information found at https://nnels.ca/library/.
If your library has a connector, please use the equivalent handout for Libraries with a Connector.
Use this handout as:

  • a guide for training new staff about NNELS;
  • a convenient reminder of your library's NNELS login information (to help patrons with print disabilties download books from nnels.ca);
  • encouragement for staff to think about the library's services for people with print disabilities

Please feel free to modify this document for your own purposes, and let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

NNELS 101 for Library Staff (Libraries with Connector)




This document is an overview library staff using a NNELS connector, to supplement information found at https://nnels.ca/library/.
If your library does not have a connector, please use the handout for Libraries with User Managers.
Use this handout as:

  • a guide for training new staff about NNELS;
  • a convenient reminder of your library's NNELS login information (to help patrons with print disabilties download books from nnels.ca);
  • encouragement for staff to think about the library's services for people with print disabilities

Please feel free to modify this document for your own purposes, and let us know if you have any suggestions for improvement.

Training Guide File

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Powerpoint: 10 Ways to Make Your Library More Accessible




Except for the pieces credited to others, this presentation is not protected by copyright. Please modify, reuse, and repurpose the contents of these slides for your own purposes. 

Since a lot of the content was discussed in the conference session rather than described in slides, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@nnels.ca if you have any questions. 
Thank you!

Training Guide File

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Power Point
Source Library

Powerpoint: Tips on Connecting Readers to Technology and books


Alternate title: "As many ways to read a book as we can get through in an hour."
This presentation is not protected by copyright: you are free to modify, reuse, and repurpose the contents of these slides. 

Since a lot of the content was discussed rather than described in slides, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@nnels.ca if you have any questions. 
Thank you!



Author E-Mail


Conference Year


Presentation File

Source Library
Presentation Topic