More Than Personal Communication: Citation templates for Elders and Knowledge Keepers


Lorisia MacLeod


While working at NorQuest College Libraries, Lorisia MacLeod (James Smith Cree Nation) worked with the Indigenous Student Centre to develop new citation templates to be used in APA and MLA for citing Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. These citation formats are meant to promote the culturally respectful use of Indigenous knowledge and people in research and challenge the status quo of who we cite. 


This was hosted by the Maskwacis Cultural College microlearning:

Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Municipal Election Advocacy Toolkit


The Alberta Library


The Municipal election Advocacy Toolkit contains everything a library and their patrons need to advocate for their library during municipal election season. 
The .zip contains:

  • An informational pamphlet that contains background information on libraries and how they are influenced by local politics, as well as 3 main questions to ask your candidates
  • A flyer that simplifies the above information pamphlet in an eye-catchign way
  • How to hold and election forum
  • Questions and answers about the value of libraries
  • A door hanger that lists the 3 questions to ask your candidates
  • A document with a few example policies on political use of library spaces
  • A folder full of pre-made fillable images to post onsocial media
  • A list of 10 activities one can do do promote the library durin election season (or any time)

The web link lead to the toolkit hosted on TALs website. It includes the .zip as well as a webinar presented by TAL staff on the contents of the package and how to use them, as well as an Articulate 360 interactive walkthough of possible candidate conversations. 

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

CDL: What is it? How does it Work? How can I Participate?


Controlled Digital Lending came to the forefront of library-related thought during the pandemic when physical collections were closed to the public. Beyond providing access during extenuating circumstances it has several other uses. Could your library benefit? And how can individuals benefit from libraries participating?
Follow the weblink to view the presentation.
This presentation was part of the Virtual Exhibit at Stronger Together AB 2021.


Cole Boychuk (they/them)

Author E-Mail

Conference Year

Source Library
Presentation Topic
Presentation Audience
Presentation Format

How to Get Good Search Results


A program that introduces patrons to searching the resources at the library and how to perform a search that will yield accurate, up-to-date and comprehensive sources.
Source Library

Program promotional materials

Length of program session

30-60 minutes

Number of sessions





Lyndsay Forsythe @ Nelson Public Library

Primary Audience

Program Audience

Community partners

Community Futures Nelson BC
Program Format

Shabby Chic Workshops


Naomi Lemckert-Palleson



Calling all Home Decorators! Do you love making something new from something old? Join Naomi as she shares her own successes and errors, after buying a 1940’s house and slowly turning it into her dream home, using her weekly grocery budget and DIY books from the library. Each session will explore new decorating techniques for creating a comfy-casual look, using vintage accessories, old furniture and paint.

Week 1 – The project chooses you; painted wooden hangers;

Week 2 – Exploring fabrics and paint: fabric strip curtain ; painted stool

Week 3 – Easy whimsical touches: fabric balls



Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Power Point

YAACS Youth Services Institute (YSI) 2021


On April 20th 2021, YAACS hosted our first Virtual Youth Services insitute.

Keynote Speakers: 
Slides and other resources related to the Keynote can be found in the Materials section.
J. Elizabeth Mills, co-author of Create, Innovate, and Serve: A Radical Approach to Children’s and Youth Programming and Supercharged Storytimes: An Early Literacy Planning and Assessment Guide.
Dr. Michelle H. Martin,  Beverly Cleary Endowed Professor for Children and Youth Services in the Information School at the University of Washington

Ask Me Anything (AMA) Human Library Volunteers:
You can find some notes for the AMA sessions in the Materials section.
Christopher Knapp - PGPL - I am an avid gamer who has advocated greatly for the importance of video gaming in the library.
Tess Prendergast - UBC - I have a lot of experience creating inclusive storytimes.
Stephanie  - SRC - I am interested in Among Us programs for teens.
Nariel Davis - VIRL - I do story walks in partnership with local businesses.
Kaley Young - NVDPL - I do a Nature Challenge program.
Vicki Donoghue - BPL - I have been working with community partners during COVID
Julia McKnight - VPL - I am supporting staff mixing virtual and in-person teen summer programs.
Kate Wood - GVPL - I am a Library Assistant in my system.  I am also a qualified Librarian.
Sarah Bagshawe - VPL -  I am a Reader's Advisory unicorn.

Here is the schedule for the day:
9:00 – 9:30 a.m.              Welcome and Icebreaker
9:30 – 11:00 a.m.            Knowledge, Artistry, and Reflection: Designing Thoughtful Programming for Children presented by J. Elizabeth Mills and Dr. Michelle H. Martin
11:00-11:15 a.m.             BREAK
11:15-11:50 a.m.             Breakout Rooms (human library meets AMA – ask me anything)
11:55-12:30 p.m.            Breakout Rooms (AEA – ask everybody everything!)             
12:30-1:00 p.m.              Reflection activity

Conference Year

Source Library
Presentation Audience

"Trans People Welcome" Washroom FAQs for Staff


Burnaby Public Library's Transgender Inclusion Working Group


A handout created by the Transgender Inclusion Working Group at the Burnaby Public Library to help staff understand why Trans People Welcome signs were added to the library's washrooms. Includes tips and sample scripts on how to direct people to the washrooms, which washrooms nonbinary people should use, and how to respond to patrons who complain that someone is in the wrong washroom. Some links in this file are internal and may only be accessible to Burnaby Public Library staff. This is intended as a guide to help others make a similar resource tailored to their workplace.

Training Guide File

Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Pronoun Cheat Sheet


Burnaby Public Library's Transgender Inclusion Working Group


A handout the Transgender Inclusion Working Group at Burnaby Public Library made for all staff to learn about pronouns, how and why to share them, and what to do if you've made a mistake with someone's pronouns. Some links are only accessible to Burnaby Public Library staff. This is intended as a guide to help others make a similar resource tailored to their workplace.

Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

LibraryAware Basics: Newsletters


Marigold Library System


Learn how to use LibraryAware to create Newsletters to inform and entertain your followers. See how LibraryAware's ready-to-go opt-in pages and subscriber management make cultivating followers a snap!

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Making Videos for Education and Instruction


Marigold Library System


This presentation will provide an introduction to the process of making videos. Examining the three stages of video creation (pre-production, production/recording, and post-production) the aim will be to provide an understanding of what is required to make videos with a focus on educational/instructional contexts. Specific emphasis is placed on how design decisions about various facets (e.g. audience, technology, purpose) affect other elements and possibly enable or constrain future choices. Join presenters Julia and Michael as they share insights from their collaboration on multiple video-based instruction projects over the past several years.

Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library