How to Stream Movies and TV Shows Using your Library's Website


This is a resource on using Freegal, Hoopla and IndiefFlix is provided at the Jason Pinshower Website ( please visit his site for more great digital literacy and resources for library databases. Please not that the information found within this document is intended for patrons of the Indian Trails Library. 

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Web Resource
Source Library

Press Display Webinar Recording


NewspaperDirect PressDisplay provides full-color, full-page access to today's newspapers from over 90 countries in over 50 languages. Join an online session to get an introductory overview of the platform and database or refresh your awareness with an update. This course covers content, functions, and features of, as well as tips for using, NewspaperDirect PressDisplay. We will also try to answer any questions and show you how to access support, including tutorials, help pages and documentation. The session is scheduled for 60 minutes to cover:

  • Content review
  • Search – basic and advanced
  • Browse
  • SmartNavigation features
  • Managing results - print, email, share
  • Questions?
Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Introduction to PressDisplay


Richmond Public Library


Learn how to view newspapers from around the world in digital format using PressDisplay. This guide walks you through logging in, finding a newspaper and reading a newspaper in this video created by the Richmond Public Library. 

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Auto Repair Reference Centre Worksheet


This is a worksheet intended for Alberta public library staff to familiarize themselves with the Auto Repair Reference Centre database. It includes general information on the Auto Repair Reference Centre and has some questions that can help staff guide them through the ARRC.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library