Canada 150 Public Library Resource Guide


Amber Christensen


A resource guide of Canada 150 grants, projects, activities and event ideas that may be of interest to public libraries. Created by Manitoba Public Library Services Branch Librarians.

Resource Type (defunct)


Universal Access: Customer Service Toolkit


Universal Access: Customer Service Toolkit is intended to support Manitoba’s public libraries in complying with the Accessibility For Manitobans Act and the corresponding Customer Service Standard Regulations. The document was developed by the Manitoba Public Library Services Branch in consultation with libraries and consumer group stakeholders. The policies in this toolkit are based on local experience and research from libraries across Canada.  We hope that it will be used, modified and shared by others invested in universal access.
Accèss universal : trousse de service à la clientèle est destinée à soutenir les bibliothèques publiques du Manitoba pour répondre aux exigences en vertu de la Loi sur l’accessibilité pour les Manitobains et du Règlement sur les normes de service à la clientèle. Cette trousse a été préparée par la Direction des services de bibliothèques publiques du Manitoba en consultation avec les bibliothèques publiques du Manitoba et des partenaires communautaires. Les politiques dans cette trousse de service sont basés sur l'expérience locale et la recherche dans les bibliothèques à travers le Canada. Nous espérons qu'elle sera utilisée, adaptée et partagée par les bibliothècaires investis dans l'accès universel.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)


Instagram Marketing for Public Libraries


This presentation was delivered as part of the MLA pre-confernce organised by the Public Library Services Branch in Manitoba. It takes a section from this document, and gives visual examples for each photo idea.


Anthony Woodward

Author E-Mail

Conference Year

Presentation Topic

Instagram Marketing for Public Libraries


Anthony Woodward


The best techniques for public libraries using the social media platform Instagram. Instagram has one of the fastest growing and largest active user bases of the predominant social media platforms today.
Instagram is a visual medium and libraries are visual places with interesting spaces, people, interesting events, interesting items for loan and use inside the library. Add to this that people love libraries, and they love visiting their libraries. All we need to do is connect the two, connect what makes our libraries great, to the people that love those great things about the library.
This guide explores how to improve your photos and get more likes, comment and follows. It also has a list of 20 ideas for posts specifically for public libraries that could be used as a month long challenge.
Edit: Updated as of May 2017. The document contains new and updated information about new features in Instagram.

  • Algorithm
  • Stories
  • Direct messages
  • Collections
  • Pods
  • Gallery Posts
Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)


Annual Report Narratives Template and Checklist


Denise Weir


Annual Report Narratives highlight activities of public libraries which can be a valuable reporting and publicity tool.  The content suggestions in the template and checklist are based on commonly included information and the average length for each section. Public libraries are encouraged to incorporate visually appealing pictures and charts that highlight library services.
Les rapports annuels soulignent les activités de bibliothèques publiques qui peuvent être utilisé comme un outil important pour la publicité et pour faire des rapports. Les suggestions de contenu dans ce modèle et liste de contrôle, sont basées sur des informations souvent inclus et la longueur moyenne de l’espace pour chaque section. Les bibliothèques publiques sont encouragées à intégrer des images et des graphiques qui mettent en valeur les services de bibliothèque.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)


Library Outreach on the Inside


The Library Outreach on the Inside toolkit advocates relationship-building between correctional facilities and libraries, and was created by the Manitoba Public Library Services Branch with consultation from stakeholders in the Manitoba Department of Justice and the Manitoba Library Association Prison Libraries Committee. It is based on local experience, and we hope that it will be used, modified and shared by others involved in correctional library service.
La Trousse d’outils pour bibliothèques, «Extension des services de bibliothèque derrière les barreaux» prône l’établissement de relations entre les centres correctionnels et les bibliothèques publiques et a été créée par la Direction des services de bibliothèques publiques en consultation avec des parties investis du ministère de la Justice et le comité des bibliothèques pénitentiaires de l’association des bibliothèques du Manitoba. Ces idées sont basées sur des expériences locales; et on espère que la trousse sera utilisé, modifié et partagé par les intervenants.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)


Customer Satisfaction Promotional Tools / Outils pour promouvoir la collection des commentaires portant sur la satisfaction des clients


Customizable print-on-demand bookmark and poster used by public libraries in Manitoba. These tools were used to direct customer satisfaction feedback through a subscription-service launched province-wide. Each document is available in English and French.
Fiches et signets personnalisables tel qu’employées par les bibliothèques publiques du Manitoba.  Ces outils ont servi à distribuer les commentaires portant sur la satisfaction des clients des bibliothèques à l’aide d’un service-abonnement lancé à travers la provence. Chacun est disponible en français et en anglais.

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Resource Type (defunct)


We Speak Your Language


Public libraries are an important access point for people settling into their new communities in Canada. This poster was designed to help promote libraries as a welcoming service point and to promote service to clients with diverse linguistic needs. It continues to be displayed in libraries throughout Manitoba and in high traffic community spaces, settlement services offices and other support agencies.

Training Guide File

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)