NNELS Tent Cards for Circulation/Reference Counters


NNELS Support


Public-facing side of card (1) designed to encourage library patrons to ask about library service for people who have print disabilties. Library-facing side of the card (2) provides very basic info about NNELS for staff who may be a little rusty on the details.

  • Also works well as a mail-merge for regional library systems.
  • Designed for Avery Large Embossed Tent Cards 5309, 3-1/2" x 11"
Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Email Etiquette for Academic Students


This presentation was designed in response to the growing popularity of email and the subsequent need for information on how to craft appropriate email messages. This presentation will help you send resumes and cover letters via email, and it will help communications between students and teachers / professors.
If link is broken please go directly to website: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/694/01/

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Power Point
Source Library

Fair Dealing Policy for Community Colleges


The fair dealing provision in the Copyright Act permits use of a copyright-protected work without permission from the copyright owner or the payment of copyright royalties. To qualify for fair dealing, two tests must be passed.
First, the “dealing” must be for a purpose stated in the Copyright Act: research, private study, criticism, review, news reporting, education, satire or parody. Educational use of a copyright-protected work passes the first test.
The second test is that the dealing must be “fair.” In landmark decisions in 2004 and in 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada provided guidance as to what this test means in educational institutions. This Fair Dealing Policy applies fair dealing in non-profit universities and provides reasonable safeguards for the owners of copyright-protected works in accordance with the Copyright Act and the Supreme Court decisions.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Web Resource
Source Library

Copyright Matters - A guide for teachers


This booklet gives teachers user-friendly information on copyright law, covering items from the Canadian Copyright Act and its regulations, contractual and tariff arrangements with copyright collectives, and court decisions.
This booklet is available in print and on-line. The on-line version will be updated as changes in the copyright law take place. It provides information about copyright law and copyright collectives and how they relate to the use of resources on and off school premises. More detailed information is available from many printed sources, from the Internet, and from your ministry or department of education. A list of sources appears at the end of this booklet. Education departments and ministries, as well as school boards across the country, encourage awareness of and respect for copyright in our education systems.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Web Resource
Source Library

Lexile Find a Book


Enter your Lexile measure, select your interests, and find books you'd like to read! Whether you're reading for school or for pleasure, you can use this site to build a custom reading list on the subjects that interest you the most.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Web Resource
Source Library