Olds Public Library Unattended Children

From the intro: 
The Olds and District Municipal Library wishes to become a vital, friendly, comfortable center for providing cultural, informational, and recreational needs for all members of the district. The library welcomes children into its facilities and wants a safe and secure environment for children who use the Library. We ask each parent to join us in protecting children.

SGPL Grievance and Dispute Resolution Policy

Policy Statement: 
The Spruce Grove Public Library (SGPL) encourages trustees and staff to communicate their grievances, in order to foster and maintain a supportive, pleasant environment for everyone. The SGPL resolves conflicts that may arise between individual trustees or staff in a timely, fair, transparent and constructive manner. The purpose of this policy is to provide an avenue through which trustees and staff can resolve complaints and conflicts as they arise.

Didsbury Municipal Library Policy Manual

Framework                                                                          2
Governance                                                                         3 – 10
         Schedule A: Executive Officers                                    11 – 12
         Schedule B: Committees                                              13
Administration                                                                     14 – 17
Finance                                                                               18 - 22

Accessibility Policy

Frome the policy: 
Bibliothèque Allard Regional Library and its Victoria Beach Branch (hereinafter referred to as the Library) is committed to improving accessibility by eliminating barriers for people with disabilities in a manner that respects dignity and independence.
This policy is intended to address the requirements of The Accessibility for Manitobans Act, 2013 (AMA) and The Human Rights Code ensuring that all persons are provided equal opportunities and standards of service.

Burman University Archives Policy

From the Burman University's Archives Policy

Archivists at the Edith Fitch Department of Archives (hereafter referred to as Archives) believe that policies and procedures provide effective management tools to guide archivists in their work and those making use of the Archives’ facility and its holdings.
The Archives ensures that framework and operational policies and procedures are developed and maintained under the authority of Burman University.
In fulfilling its responsibility for policy making, the Archives will: