Study Leave Explorations: 3D Modeling; Citizen Science; Research Data Knowledge Mobilization Through Art


Three topics were the focus of my study leave activities: 3D modelling of specimen collections, citizen science in the sciences, and science data visualization by artists. All three topics are interconnected by the overarching framework of science data. My first goal was to experience the research data life cycle by creating a 3D data set of botanical specimens and thus explore issues around data creation, metadata, data description, data deposit, data sharing & access. A second goal was to explore the role citizen scientists play in collecting and working with scientific data. A third goal was to explore how artists are engaged in artistic visualizations of science data and knowledge mobilization.


Kathleen Matthews

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The Transgender Archives: Past, Present and Future


The University of Victoria Libraries is home to the world’s largest Transgender Archives (TGA). We are exceptional in our focus, size, and scope when compared to other archives in that our collections are explicitly dedicated to the preservation of the original documents recording the history of pioneering activists, community leaders, and researchers who have contributed to the betterment of trans, non-binary, and Two-Spirit people. In this presentation, Lara Wilson and Michael Radmacher will discuss the past, present, and future of the Transgender Archives. They will answer questions such as: How did the TGA start at UVic? What unique and one-of-a-kind materials are housed at the TGA? What new collections have been recently donated? What are the TGA's current and future projects related to community outreach, accessibility, and digitization? Lastly, this presentation will offer a hands-on experience with a selection of the TGA’s rare materials. Come put your hands on hirstory.


Michael Radmacher & Lara Wilson

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From Blasting to Bridging: Building Electronic Resource Management


Electronic resource issues can be complex to fix, and electronic resource management requires tracking a lot of information from many different silos. Patricia Pang and Sue Bengtson will talk about some challenges and discuss how unexpected implications of a new system demanded a larger conversation about cross-unit collaboration.


Patricia Pang & Sue Bengtson

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Crazytown: Why the online book market makes no sense


An introduction to the changes in the used and rare book business from brick-and-mortar to virtual (but not always virtuous) vendors; the rise of algorithms, resellers, and megasellers; and why ordinary books cost $1K and up.


Barbara Gordon

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Research-a-thons: An opportunity to collaborate and face real world challenges


Research-a-thons are organized events where individuals with a shared interest come together to collaboratively answer a research question or build a research resource.
This spring, over 50 UVic law students, librarians, and lawyers came together at the UVic Law Library to collaborate on a student-led research project in support of the Environmental Law Centre’s mining law reform project. The presenters will share their experience hosting research-a-thons and will discuss lessons learned and tips for hosting a research-a-thon of your own.


Alex Burdett & Alisa Lazear

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Dissemination through Transformation: The Evolution of a Thesis


In 2004 the University of Victoria Libraries housed over 7000 theses in Special Collections and over 1000 in their circulating collection; it was also the year that they launched their digital repository.
This is a story about the evolution and transformation of the traditional print thesis as viewed through the changing lens of the University of Victoria's Masters Theses and Doctoral Dissertation process.
Learn about UVic's successes and challenges hosting a repository and find out how it transformed access to this important academic library resource.


Danice Szabo

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When to Hold On and When to Let Go: "Last Copy" Shared Print Archiving and Book Deselection


At VILSC 2016, Lisa and Jean introduced a new shared print monograph initiative undertaken by 10 academic libraries in Western Canada. The Shared Print Archive Network (SPAN) Monograph Project, an initiative of COPPUL, helps ensure we retain and preserve enough copies of rare, local-interest print materials for future access by scholars and citizens. Please join us for an update on the outcomes of this exciting project! We will also demonstrate how we are analyzing our collective holdings and circulation data, using an online tool called GreenGlass, to advance local collection management goals in responsible, sustainable, evidence-based ways. Finally, we will share some of our thoughts, experiences and workflows around that bête noire of libraryland, weeding, as well as possible future uses of the data beyond deselection and retention.


VIU: Jean Blackburn ; UVIC: Lisa Petrachenko, Tina Bebbington, Sue Bengtson

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