Student Belonging in Academia: Developing an Academic Integrity Course


In October 2022, Camosun College officially launched its self-registration, online academic integrity course for students. Developed by Camosun librarians, Patsy
Scott and Margie Clarke, the interactive course is designed to teach students about academic integrity and what it means to belong to the Camosun academic community. Integrating video scenarios, the course outlines student rights and responsibilities that this belonging entails. The course includes topics such as contract cheating, self-plagiarism, cultural differences and Indigenous ethical values. Upon successful course completion, students earn a digital badge. Registrations have topped 1,000 since its release.


Patsy Scott, Margie Clarke

Conference Year

Source Library
Presentation Audience

Librarian as project consultant: Creative outreach with engineering students


When asked to do a class visit for a 200 level Engineering Project Management class I proposed meetings with individual project groups instead. This was meant to mimic a project team meeting with an external expert or consultant.


Ally Flynn

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Conference Year

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Digital badges pilot project


Thirty-seven students in a 4th year Sales Management course had the opportunity to earn two digital badges in a pilot project tied to information literacy mastery. One badge was for Critical Thinking, the other for Content Analysis. The pilot was to assess student interest and engagement in digital badging at the college level. Students completed several activities (e.g. online videos and tutorials) and assignments (e.g. annotated bibliography) before submitting a final research report. As it is critical that digital badges have an assessment component, students had to achieve 80% or higher in three individual assessments to be awarded the badges.


Margie Clarke; Marina Jaffey

Author E-Mail

Conference Year

Source Library
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Presentation Format

My year of digital minimalism: Resisting the attention economy


Join Sybil Harrison in a facilitated discussion around her personal experience of seeking ways of limiting the intrusion of email and social media into her life. Inspired by writers Cal Newport (Digital Minimalism and Deep Work), and Jenny Odell (How to Do Nothing) she stepped back from social media in 2019, and started using a paper journal rather than Outlook for everything. And then the pandemic hit.
The session will provide space and time for participants to share their own stories about how to seek balance in a world where email and social media intrudes into all aspects of our lives.
Link to guide:


Sybil Harrison

Author E-Mail

Conference Year

Source Library

TELŦIN TŦE WILNEW Teaching Circle, Impacts to our practice


TELŦIN TŦE WILNEW (TTW) is an award winning, blended delivery course, at Camosun College, which provides insight into an Indigenous worldview; describes the impact of colonization and how it affects students attending the college today; and guides participants in the development of new teaching and learning methods. (


Dawn Smith & Dianne Biin

Conference Year

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