Supporting the New Curriculum through GLAM Partnerships and Programming


In support of BC’s new curriculum, Pacific Opera Victoria, Royal BC Museum and the Greater Victoria Public Library offered a day-long pro-d opportunity for high school, middle school and elementary school teachers. Experts from each institution provided practical tools and ideas to encourage children and teens to think critically about what they view, read, and hear. This panel will discuss how we collaborated to create the event, the benefits to GLAM partnership programming, and what we learned.


Devon Tatton

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GALLOPP & Systems Projects in Special Libraries


The Legislative Library of BC will share what the library is about, what it offers the public, and what it means to offer services in a special library. The presentations cover:
• an update on GALLOP (Government and Legislative Libraries Online Publications Portal), its recent user survey and future directions.
• a whirlwind tour of the its digital initiatives and systems projects, including projects aimed at its clients and the public.
The session will conclude with a Q&A.


Charles Hogg & Louise Brittian Boisvert

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When to Hold On and When to Let Go: "Last Copy" Shared Print Archiving and Book Deselection


At VILSC 2016, Lisa and Jean introduced a new shared print monograph initiative undertaken by 10 academic libraries in Western Canada. The Shared Print Archive Network (SPAN) Monograph Project, an initiative of COPPUL, helps ensure we retain and preserve enough copies of rare, local-interest print materials for future access by scholars and citizens. Please join us for an update on the outcomes of this exciting project! We will also demonstrate how we are analyzing our collective holdings and circulation data, using an online tool called GreenGlass, to advance local collection management goals in responsible, sustainable, evidence-based ways. Finally, we will share some of our thoughts, experiences and workflows around that bête noire of libraryland, weeding, as well as possible future uses of the data beyond deselection and retention.


VIU: Jean Blackburn ; UVIC: Lisa Petrachenko, Tina Bebbington, Sue Bengtson

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How to Host a CryptoParty


Presentation on how to host a CryptoParty. CryptoParty's are "a global and decentralized grass-roots movement to help everyday people learn how to improve their internet security with open source tools."


Scott Leslie

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Conference Year

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