Seniors Need Hookup Apps, Too: Tech Without Age


Is your library full of older patrons who struggle to use a computer or send a text message? This presentation will outline how increased digital literacy can have a positive social impact in your community. When your senior patrons are comfortable using, understanding, and creating digital content, they become active digital citizens – able to reliable interact with the world through the use of technology. As we debunk the myth that seniors are unwilling and unable to learn about technology, we will explore the many ways to incorporate technology and digital literacy into library programming. From one-on-one support to intergenerational learning and passive programming, digital literacy learning can be supported in a variety of ways in libraries. Learn the dos and don’ts of teaching tech to seniors and discuss solutions to common issues, such as varying literacy levels, a lack of familiarity, and losing your patience!


Carley Angelstad

Conference Year

Source Library
Presentation Topic