PSWeb Instructions for OCLC
A guide on how to use OCLC's PSWeb service to batchload your library's bibliographic records to OCLC. This guide contains detailed information on how to prepare and upload your data to OCLC.
A guide on how to use OCLC's PSWeb service to batchload your library's bibliographic records to OCLC. This guide contains detailed information on how to prepare and upload your data to OCLC.
A quick reference guide for Batchloading bibliographics to OCLC's WorldCAT. It inlcudes information on the batchloading workflow, important record numbers and ways to continue maintaining your collection once you have completed your initial batchload.
Most participating libraries will have to complete "Single Batchload" project in order to add their content to WorldCAT. If your library has already completed a Single batchload and is in the process of maintining your holdings on OCLC you may not have to complete this project. Check with the TAL Training Librarian if you are unsure about this.
OCLC requires a lot of very specific information about your library's ILS records, as a result it is best to prepare for submitting the order by filling out the "Checklist for Ordering Batchload" form created by OCLC. TAL staff have annotated and filled in part of the form to ensure that participating libraries are able to easily prepare for the batchload process.
This document contains instructions that are for a Batch Reclamation project and will apply to libraries that already have records in OCLC's WorldCat. The process is slightly different for libraries that do not yet have holdings in World-Cat (although the process is similar).
The OCLC Batch Services User Guide covers batchload for bibliographic records in detail. The guide is available as a complete .pdf as well as broken down into smaller .pdfs by chapter.
A general overview of OCLC as well as links to online courses and tutorials on how to use OCLC's Connexion.
An online course provided by OCLC as an introduction to its services and organization. This page contains dates for upcoming course offerings as well a a link to request a course offering.
A detailed manual on OCLC Connexion including information on requirement, installation procedures, set up instructions and more.
Leraning paths, courses and tutorials for Connexion Client Training for library staff responsible for adding records to Worldcat. Connexion is the application used to access the OCLC system for cataloging.
An excellent overview of the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC). This document contains information on OCLC's services, history, vision and what it means to be a member.