NNELS Kids' Book Recording Plan




Bilingual document // Document bilingue
A simple organising tool for libraries or volunteers recording a children's picture book for NNELS.
See also:

If you're recording a book other than a children's picture book, please use the main book recording plan so that your tracks are separated properly.
Corrections, comments, or questions? Please write to support@nnels.ca. Thank you!
Revised November 3, 2018.

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Open Data Essentials: Working with Open Data


Vancouver Public Library


Learn the basics of how to use open data in this introductory course. Discover how to acquire and work with simple open data sets, including how to download an open data set, how to use Excel to create a CSV file, and how to create different data visualizations using Datawrapper. Beginners to open data should consider the Let's Talk About Open Data class. Basic ability to use a computer, including the keyboard and mouse, is required.
This is part of VPL's Open Data Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Open Data Essentials: Let's Talk About Open Data
  2. Open Data Essentials: Introduction to Using Open Data

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Open Data Essentials: Let's Talk About Open Data


Vancouver Public Library


The world generates vast quantities of data and this data can shape our lives. In response, governments, organizations, and companies are allowing access to the data they are producing, collecting, and using to support knowledge sharing and innovation. Learn what open data is, what types of open datasets are available, and how open data can be used in this introductory course.
This is part of VPL's Open Data Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Open Data Essentials: Let's Talk About Open Data
  2. Open Data Essentials: Working with Open Data

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials


Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Social Media Essentials: Let's Talk About Participating Online


Vancouver Public Library


Practice safe social networking and learn how to manage your internet presence when you use social media. Discuss your digital identity, privacy, and online engagement.
This is part of VPL's Social Media Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Social Media Essentials: Let's Talk About Social Media
  2. Social Media Essentials: Getting Started with Facebook
  3. Social Media Essentials: Get to Know Your Facebook Privacy Settings
  4. Social Media Essentials: Getting Started with LinkedIn
  5. Social Media Essentials: Let's Talk About Participating Online

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Internet Essentials: Let's Talk About Online Privacy


Vancouver Public Library


Learn about steps you can take to stay safe and private online. Explore issues affecting everyone who uses the internet such as metadata collection, corporate surveillance, and why it's important to create a strong password. This is a discussion-based session. Hands-on practice is not included.
This is part of VPL's Computer Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Internet Essentials: Get to Know the Internet
  2. Internet Essentials: Get the Most Out of Internet Searching
  3. Internet Essentials: Let's Talk About Online Privacy

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Internet Essentials: Get the Most Out of Internet Searching


Vancouver Public Library


Get the most out of Google, Bing and more in this hands-on class for beginners. Learn how to search the internet effectively, how to assess your search results, and how to spot fake news. This is an introductory class. Basic ability to use a keyboard and mouse is recommended.
This is part of VPL's Computer Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Internet Essentials: Get to Know the Internet
  2. Internet Essentials: Get the Most Out of Internet Searching
  3. Internet Essentials: Let's Talk About Online Privacy

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Internet Essentials: Get to Know the Internet


Vancouver Public Library


Learn what the Internet is and how to navigate it. Explore websites, browsers (like Firefox and Internet Explorer) and become familiar with VPL's online resources. This is an introductory class. Basic ability to use a keyboard and mouse is recommended.

This is part of VPL's Computer Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Internet Essentials: Get to Know the Internet
  2. Internet Essentials: Get the Most Out of Internet Searching
  3. Internet Essentials: Let's Talk About Online Privacy

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Web Design Essentials: Creating a Website with WordPress


Vancouver Public Library


Learn how to create a basic website using WordPress. Topics covered include: creating an account, selecting a theme, and customization. This is a beginner course for anyone wanting to create a free website for their business or personal venture; no prior experience required. A valid email address is required to participate in this course. Basic ability to use a computer, including the keyboard and mouse, is required.
This is part of VPL's Web Design Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Web Design Essentials: Basic Coding
  2. Web Design Essentials: The Design Process
  3. Web Design Essentials: Creating a Website with WordPress

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Web Design Essentials: Basic Coding


Vancouver Public Library


Learn how to write basic HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), how to style webpages with CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), and get a brief introduction to JavaScript. This is an introductory course; prior knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript or web design is not required. Basic ability to use a computer, including the keyboard and mouse, is required.
This is part of VPL's Web Design Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Web Design Essentials: Basic Coding
  2. Web Design Essentials: The Design Process
  3. Web Design Essentials: Creating a Website with WordPress

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials (link is external)

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Web Design Essentials: The Design Process


Vancouver Public Library


An introduction to the fundamentals of website design: aesthetics, accessibility, responsiveness, and usability. Gain hands-on experience creating a basic website site map and prototype.
This is part of VPL's Web Design Essentials series. The recommended order is:

  1. Web Design Essentials: Basic Coding
  2. Web Design Essentials: The Design Process
  3. Web Design Essentials: Creating a Website with WordPress

Learn more at vpl.ca/program/digital-essentials

Resource Topic
Resource Audience

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library