EAL - General Info


Winnipeg Public Library


Content originally was aimed for teachers who work with EAL learners.  Uploads are general information that can be used. 
See other WPL uploads for activities and learning modules.

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Welcome to the Public Library - Various Languages (handout)


Winnipeg Public Library & Public Library Services Branch


In partnership with the Manitoba Public Service Library Branch, Winnipeg Public Library created a series of basic information handouts about Public Libraries.  The project had the English content translated into various languages to increase knowledge and audiences of public libraries. 

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Going to the Library (booklet)


Literacy Partners of Manitoba & Winnipeg Public Library


A simple-to-read introduction to libraries.
Written by Literacy Partners of Manitoba and Winnipeg Public Library
Illustrated & Designed by Burgess Mertens
In support of the Public Library Service Branch, Province of Manitoba

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)

Source Library

Customer Satisfaction Promotional Tools / Outils pour promouvoir la collection des commentaires portant sur la satisfaction des clients


Customizable print-on-demand bookmark and poster used by public libraries in Manitoba. These tools were used to direct customer satisfaction feedback through a subscription-service launched province-wide. Each document is available in English and French.
Fiches et signets personnalisables tel qu’employées par les bibliothèques publiques du Manitoba.  Ces outils ont servi à distribuer les commentaires portant sur la satisfaction des clients des bibliothèques à l’aide d’un service-abonnement lancé à travers la provence. Chacun est disponible en français et en anglais.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)


We Speak Your Language


Public libraries are an important access point for people settling into their new communities in Canada. This poster was designed to help promote libraries as a welcoming service point and to promote service to clients with diverse linguistic needs. It continues to be displayed in libraries throughout Manitoba and in high traffic community spaces, settlement services offices and other support agencies.

Training Guide File

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)


Board/Volunteer Recruitment Poster & Brochure


The poster contains fillable fields for libraries to enter information about their board and volunteer recruitment process. The brochure outlines public library governance in Manitoba, with fillable fields for libraries to input their local information.

Resource Topic

Resource Type (defunct)