Sparking Success: Creating Great Business Cases and More


Thu Apr 20 2017, 9:00am–10:15am, Salon C


Creating a compelling business case or grant application can make the difference in getting the resources you need. A well-written RFP can result in competitive, high-quality proposals. The skills, structure, and approach used in business cases, grant applications, and RFPs can also be applied elsewhere with great effectiveness. Panelists will share their expertise and best practices from varied perspectives to help you build your own tool kit for business writing success.


Deb Hutchison Koep, North Vancouver City Library


Deb Hutchison Koep is the new Chief Librarian at the North Vancouver City Library. She has several years’ experience in library finance, preparing business cases for operating, capital and staffing resources and participating in public procurement processes for both facility and IT projects. She is an expert in library technology planning and implementation, and in her previous role at West Vancouver Memorial Library recently implemented new models for public technology service and staff technology skills assessment and development.

Ben Hyman, Vancouver Island University


With leadership and management experience in Co-ops, government, post secondary, public library and private sector environments, Ben’s take on business cases is a little different. For operationalizing inclusive community approaches, and advocating for the use of open tools and social procurement processes, he has been labelled a “lightning rod.” Ben is currently the University Librarian at Vancouver Island University.

Daphne Wood, Greater Victoria Public Library


Daphne Wood’s experience in the public, private, and non-profit sectors includes strategic planning, media relations, and brand management. She is a graduate of Carleton University's school of Journalism with a Masters of Business Administration from Royal Roads University and an Executive Masters of Library Information Science from San Jose State University. Daphne is the Director of communications and Development at the Greater Victoria Public Library and is serving as the President of BCLA in 2016/17.



Ben Hyman, Daphne Wood, Deb Hutchison Koep

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