When ‘Local’ is 500 km Away: Creating a Digital Library for the Inuvialuit Settlement Region


Using Digital Library North as an example, this session will review techniques for environmental scanning and community collaboration for creating a digital library. Community input is reflected not only in the structure of the digital library itself (e.g. culturally appropriate metadata), but also in the way the team continues to build their relationships with the community. Attendees will be invited to consider applications for use in their own communities.
Learning objectives:

  • Understand what an environmental scan is and how it can be applied to a library environment
  • Create a mini-environmental scanning plan for their own context
  • Explore iterative ways to collect and apply community input


Robyn Stobbs (Ali Shiri, Dinesh Rathi, Cathy Cockney, Sandy Campbell, and Sharon Farnel; contributors)

Conference Year


Presentation File